Be The Different Santa – #fbbSpreadTheJoy

Christmas is all about fun and happiness. December is the month of celebrations. My son was waiting for the day (25th December) because he knew Santa Claus was in the town. And yes, like last year, this time also I gifted cars, chocolates and toys to see his smiling face.

But I wanted to see smile on her face also!

Her name is Nurjahan, I know her for the last 5 – 6 years. She works at my mother’s place. People like Nurjahan, fighting every day to earn bread and butter. She got married at the age of 10 or 11 and at the age of 13 she became a mother.

This is our society and things are going on like this. She has some dreams in life. She works hard because she doesn’t want to see her son and daughter at her place. She wants to educate them and make them establish in life.

She is struggling every day without any support from the family even her husband also take money from her.

But she has a smiling face always maybe she hides all tears with that smile! I respect her thoughts and appreciate her courage.

I know Nurjahan never gets anything from Santa Claus so this year I was her Santa 🙂 I gifted her shawl and she was really happy. She was excited to pose for the camera also 🙂

fbb spread the joy

We always think about our happiness and comfort. We buy dresses, foods for ourselves. But there is no greater joy than the joy of giving.

Help others to make their life a bit comfortable. Spread smile 🙂 🙂 #fbbSpreadTheJoy


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