5 Emergency Medicines For Your Little Star

As a mother we always want to see our kids healthy and active.We always give our best effort to make them fit because they are the most important part of our life and his/her a single smile means a lot for us.But sometimes we also feel helpless when see them sick – lying on bed with a pale face! 🙁

source: i.ytimg

My kid is 2years and 10months old now and being a mother I have learned many things and learning is a continuing process.

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My doctor advised me to keep some emergency medicines at home for my son. Sharing the details here, hope it would help the other Mammas too 🙂

  1. Crocin Syrup: We all know this one is for fever. If your child has high fever then give it to him as and when required.
source: curencare

Dosage: 2.5 ml for age group upto 1.5 yrs

5ml for age group upto 2.5 yrs

7ml for age group above 2.5 yrs

2.Frisium: If you search online, you could get many articles about the side effects of this medicine. But trust me,this is one of the most important medicines that you should keep in stock.What happen, due to high fever sometimes child gets epilepsy attack and it is life threatening if not get immediate medicines.My child physician suggested me to give frisium first when the child has temp. above 99 degree Fahrenheit.Because after epilepsy attack it doesn’t work so we have to give that medicine before the time.I have rechecked this with another doctor also.One of my friend’s daughter (2.5 yrs old) recently got epilepsy attack and it is said from hospital doctors that from next time Frisium should be given to her during high fever.

source: sanpablodigital

Dosage: 1/2 of the tablet mix in plain water (Twice a day for child age group 2yrs and below)

1 tablet mix in plain water (Twice a day for child above 2 yrs)

3.Ondem Syrup: It is painful to see that your baby vomits frequently and lying on bed with an empty stomach. My doctor prescribed me to give Ondem syrup 30 to 40 minutes before of main course food.But if your kid vomits after every eating then consult with your doctor. In such case, they need injection for immediate recovery.

source: retailpharmaindia

Dosage: 2.5ml for age group upto 2yrs

5ml for age group above 2yrs

4.Neopeptine: I think this is a very common name for all mothers. This medicine is amazing and it works really good.I have given this to my son daily after food upto 2 yrs.Give it to your kid as and when required.

source: bookmeds

Dosage: 1.5ml for NewBorn

2.5ml for age group upto 2yrs

5ml for age group above 2yrs

5.Gripe Water: The newborns can not express their discomforts in words the only thing they know is crying.As a mother it’s a painful situation for you.Maximum new borns suffer from a colic pains and Gripe Water should be given to them for that.It is a very old medicine and works good on child.It gives them instant comforts and safe also.

source: mommysbliss

Dosage: 1.5ml for NewBorn

2.5ml for age group upto 2yrs

5ml for age group above 2yrs

P.N. The above mentioned medicines I have shared based on my experience as a mother.I am not a physician and I can’t take responsibility of any emergency situation.All these medicines I am using for my kid and sharing the details based on that only.If you have any doubts then please consult your child physician.Do not take any decision based on this content piece only.Please confirm dosage from other sources before giving to your child.

Author: Sayeri Bhattacharya


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