Sunburn Kolkata 10 – Feel like a College Girl

We didn’t realize we were making memories,

We just knew we were having fun.

That was actually my college days. We had a close group of friends. Class bunk, college fest, live band performance…those were the days 🙂

source: sayeridiary
source: sayeridiary

I keep all those precious days in the secret box of my heart. Now life is completely different. I was a college girl with a lot of dreams and with a smiling happy face obviously. Now, after 8 years, I am a working woman with lots of responsibilities. Work pressure, daily stress – now life is more complicated and it’s really hard for me to manage time for myself only.

A Big Thank fbb, for giving me the opportunity to attend Sunburn Kolkata event. For you guys, I have seen that crazy college girl again! 🙂

I love dancing and when I hear the beats of music I couldn’t stop myself literally.

The Sunburn Kolkata event was on 18th Feb, Saturday. I went there with one of my colleagues and we entered at 7 pm approximately.


DJ Snake from Parris was performing and as usual, I started dancing. It was a huge crowd and we all were dancing together. We didn’t know each other but the power of music reunited all. We danced together, we sang together.

Isn’t it crazy? 🙂

What is Sunburn Festival?

Sunburn is Asia’s biggest music festival and according to CNN(2009), it is one of the top 10 festivals in the world. The festival is the right combination of music, entertainment and shopping. Sunburn Festival started at 2007 and I have witnessed the Sunburn 10 in Kolkata.


Sunburn 10 is co-presented by fbb and we clicked photos in front of the fbb experience zone.


Venue: This time it was in Eco Park.

The stage decoration, quality of sounds were world-class and I loved their arrangement too. But there was a bit issue in the security checking.

It was a real fun for me and after the event, I feel so refreshed and happy. Thanks to fbb again for giving me such wonderful opportunity.


Be happy & Stay Stylish!!

P.C: Parostalks






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