Happy Menstrual Hygiene Day – No Shame Periods

Hey All My Beautiful Girls,

Wish you all a Happy Menstrual Hygiene Day!! 🙂

Today I am going to share something with you. When I was in class six, I got my first period and that was my birthday! 🙂 I bled heavily for 10 days and for 1 week I didn’t go to school also.

My menstrual cycle was generally for 7 – 8 days with heavy flow. Sometimes its really hard to manage and I did blunder many times. We had white color uniform in school and it was pathetic to manage.

In our family there was no such taboo. My mom always told me to maintain the basic hygiene and I am using pads from the very beginning. I am blessed that I don’t have any menstrual cramps. I thought for all women, the menstrual days are just like mine.

Source: Millenniumpost

But after watching the movie PADMAN, I understand how wrong I was.

Also Read: The PADMAN Review

Still menstruation is a taboo in our society and especially in rural areas women are suffering like hell. Even they use clothes during menstruation which is causing infections and life threatening diseases too.

I was shocked and I started research on it. The facts that I gathered about menstruation was hard to believe. Literally I was crying when I came to know that women are using soil and ash to soak the periods.

They don’t have any access of sanitary pads. They are using clothes and it’s hard to find a place to dry those clothes.

In the society, menstruation is considered disgraceful and women should be ashamed off too.

No More Limits to Period
Source: wsscc

You can’t sleep on bed, you can’t go to temples, and you can’t cook food or water plants. You are untouchable and you have to be isolated for 4 – 5 days.

Dear men, period is not our choice, it is a natural thing and we have to bear it every month. Do not take this as an evil thing rather supports your wife or sister during periods. Help her to live the life better.

Govt and NGOs are taking initiatives to take care of the basic menstrual hygiene but education is important I believe.

I think we should collect money and distribute more sanitary pads to those rural women for good menstrual hygiene.

World Menstrual Hygiene Day
Source: google

This post is a part of a Blog Train hosted by Anupriya of www.mommytincture.com where 14 wonderful ladies have stepped forward to express themselves on this #MenstrualHygieneDay and stress on the fact that there is #NoMoreLimits for a woman.

This World Menstrual Hygiene Day (May 28), our endeavor is to break the taboo that engulfs this natural phenomenon that is the basis of very existence of human life on earth.

I would like to thank Sharvari from https://www.mumbai2melbourne.com/ for introducing me. She is a recruitment consultant and blogs about fashion, food and parenting. Originally from Aamchi Mumbai but living in Melbourne Australia since 2007.

And also I would like to take this opportunity to introduce Bhawna from https://kickupstairs.blogspot.in/. She is a lifestyle blogger and she writes about reviews, earning gateways and introduction of inspiring people or brands. She is a working mom and her son is 9yrs old. She loves art and craft, embroidery and little bit cooking.

But wait there’s more! You stand a chance to win a DEA Corp Menstrual Cup worth Rs. 2500/-. You just have to visit http://www.mommytincture.com/2018/05/27/menstrual-cups-boon-menstrual-hygiene/ and leave a comment about your #NoMoreLimits experience.


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41 thoughts on “Happy Menstrual Hygiene Day – No Shame Periods

  1. Thank you for bringing awareness to this topic that is near and dear to my heart. I moved to Kolkata 8 years ago and for the past 3 years have been working to rid the shame of menstrual taboos through sustainable menstrual products and health education. Would love to meet you since we’re based in the same city! You can also check out our work at https://shomota.com.

  2. Lovely to see this venture. There are so many silly myths and taboos created by society about a natural body function. Even today, millions of young Indian women suffer because of these beliefs.

  3. It’s sad that so many myths and taboos surround menstruation, even today. Hope that movies like Pad Man and awareness campaigns help overcome these challenges

  4. This is such a great initiative and yes there is nothing to be ashamed of. Its a normal cycle every woman goes through

  5. Menstruation is treated as a taboo still. In metros also we see so many myths then rural areas we cant imagine. This needs a big change for sure.

  6. Yes high time we let go the taboos! No point in holding stood stigmas which truly hold no importance:)

  7. We don’t have to feel shy or ashamed of this.. this is as normal and as natural as we can think of.. thank you for an amazing read !

  8. Such an awesome topic to discuss… awareness about this natural fact is really important.! What a great thought to highlight in public

  9. I’m so glad u choose to talk about this topic which is still a taboo in Indian society thank you for creating a Venice and baking the Myth in such a wonderful day

  10. After knowing the stats i feel blessed to be in a family who supports and AdWords the reality. I would definitely like to change this taboo in some way

  11. Even I am blessed to have parents who doesn’t believe in menstruation taboos. But reality around us I’d different. So important to raise our voice.

  12. Its rare that women share their personal stories about periods. And, kudos to you for talking about it. The more we talk, sooner we can break the stigma.

  13. I hope everyone Eradicates taboos cause they are just taboos. It’s high time things have to change and that’s possible only if we change.

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